Smart marketing for
classifieds marketplaces
Delight users. Steer strategically. Make more money.
Trusted by dozens of leading marketplaces around the globe
Klaas Bosteels
Co-founder, CEO
From the very beginning, we've focussed on digital classifieds with Itemwise. Online real estate, recruitment and automotive marketplaces are our thing. This focus still makes a lot of sense today because those marketplaces have special marketing needs. Conventional online marketing simply doesn't work well for classifieds. They require special treatment and we've now spent a decade crafting an item marketing platform that's just right for them.
Digital classifieds differ from conventional e-commerce in that there is only one of each item. A classifieds item can typically be consumed only once and that's it. This is important because online marketplaces commonly see e.g.
80% of conversions go to merely 10% of the items
and marketing efforts tend to make this even worse, since
data-driven algorithms look for popular items
wich is fine for e-commerce, but not for classifieds. At any given point in time a house can only be sold once for instance, so its completely useless to bring more attention to it when it already has plenty of leads. Classifieds marketing has to focus on the items that still need it, not the popular ones.
Jeroen Janssen
Co-founder, CTO
We got started by building a SaaS platform that makes it easy for classifieds websites to automatically show the right items to the right people, both on the website itself and elsewhere via native ads or widgets. We call this data-driven item discovery. But with the smart steering that we added to this next, our platform eliminates wasted marketing efforts by precisely targeting items that truly benefit. And to top it off, we also added clever monetization tools.
Itemwise is an item marketing platform for one-of-each marketplaces that provides:
data-driven item discovery to delight users
with smart steering to avoid marketing waste
and monetization tools to make more money
Karel Costens
Director of Sales
Monetizing item discovery is a game changer because it makes it a source of direct revenue, instead of a marketing cost. Our self-service portal enables sales teams, or even their customers themselves, to independently manage their paid promotion. Marketing simply gets the budget, without having to deal with sales operations in any way. Coupled with our extensive reporting capabilities, which make performance tangible and foster trust, the Itemwise platform offers an easy and scalable path to optimal monetization.
The included monetization functionality really changes the game, as it:
transforms marketing costs to direct revenues
with self-service sales operations for efficiency
and attractive reporting to make things tangible
Sounds intriguing? Have us contact you for more info: